Sunday, July 11, 2004

The New York Times > Business > Your Money > Techno Files: Is Broadband Out of a Wall Socket the Next Big Thing?

Wireless connections This isn't exactly on phonecams, but this idea of broadband out of our wall sockets relates to the whole connectedness thing...

"The idea behind this approach is that plain old electric wires can do double duty in carrying high-speed digital data, much the same way that cable, fiber-optic and D.S.L. networks do. The advantage is that the needed electric wires are already there, bringing power to nearly every house in the nation and almost every room in each house." (NYTimes free registration required.)

The New York Times > Business > Your Money > Techno Files: Is Broadband Out of a Wall Socket the Next Big Thing?:

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Wi-Fi will let you use phonecam, post to web enroute to work...

"...the ferry system will roll out an expanded test of the Internet service this summer and fall on seven ships serving the three busiest runs, covering 50 percent of the system's ridership, or about 12 million passenger trips a year. When the first of those routes joins the trial, the effort will become the largest commuter Internet experiment ever."
NY Times free registration required:
The New York Times > Technology > Circuits > Destination Wi-Fi, by Rail, Bus or Boat

Monday, July 05, 2004

Friday, July 02, 2004 - Photo Sharing Gone Wild

One photographer's analysis of moblogs (phlogs.) - Photo Sharing Gone Wild

Time to update the information

As a college teacher, I try and keep this site updated, but design changes have to wait for summer when I am not involved in teaching.